Personal Information & Credit Check Permission
    For the purposes of providing insurance quotations, completing applications, issuing new policies or subsequent renewals or change in coverage and payment thereof, I authorize Cheep Insurance and/or its insurance suppliers, on behalf of myself and other applicants/policyholders listed to collect, use and disclose personal information, including relevant reports containing policy and claim history up to 25 years, for the purposes of assessing, managing and underwriting risk, determining a premium, establishing eligibility for a premium payment plan (as applicable), investigating and settling claims, analyzing business results, detecting and preventing fraud as permitted by law and in accordance with its privacy policies. I understand that Cheep Insurance is gathering this consent on behalf of multiple insurance companies and that I can withdraw my consent at any time.
  • For the purposes of providing insurance quotations, completing applications, issuing new policies or subsequent renewals or change in coverage and payment thereof, I authorize Cheep Insurance and/or its insurance suppliers, on behalf of myself and other applicants/policyholders listed to collect, use and disclose personal information, including relevant reports containing policy and claim history up to 25 years and credit information, such as my credit score, as applicable to the insurance company supplier, for the purposes of assessing, managing and underwriting risk, determining a premium, establishing eligibility for a premium payment plan (as applicable), investigating and settling claims, analyzing business results, detecting and preventing fraud as permitted by law and in accordance with its privacy policies. I understand that Cheep Insurance is gathering this consent on behalf of multiple insurance companies and that I can withdraw my consent at any time.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.